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20140614-224656-82016028.jpgYou will see many references in my writing to Metaphysics and the Laws of Attraction. This article is designed to give you a basic synopsis of what it is and how this philosophy works.

What is Metaphysics?
Metaphysics is a scientific study and philosophy that has long been debated since Aristotle. It is a study that has been increasing in popularity and social acceptability. Rather than delve through the history and debates of this philosophy, today will define Metaphysics in basic and simple terms.

Metaphysics is derived from the Greek word meta ta physika (“after the things of nature”). It is modern philosophy focused on explaining the fundamental nature of a being and the world that surrounds it. Traditionally Metaphysics attempts to answer two basic questions: What is out there? And What is it like? As a metaphysicist or metaphysician (what we practitioners are often called), we attempt to understand people and the world around them through the study of Ontology and Cosmology. Where Ontology studies and investigates the categories of being and how the categories relate to another; and Where Cosmology attempts to understand the fundamental nature and dynamics of the Universe. These studies are blended to ultimately help us to live as one with the Universe.

What is the Law of Attraction, and how does it work?
Most have heard the term Law of Attraction and have a very basic idea of what it is. The Laws of Attraction are the Metaphysical understandings that “like attracts like”, meaning that if we focus on positive or negative, it is the positive or negative we will manifest.

The simple truth is we attract everything to us from the simple to the most complex. The way we think, act, pray and project our thoughts, feelings and actions will manifest things into our lives. We attract our most prevalent thoughts and wishes good and bad.

When we are happy and things are going great for us, we will notice more and more abundance of positive in our life. This is the time people notice when they are happily coupled, we tend to be most attractive to other persons and will receive more flirts than when we are single. This is also why when things are rough and nothing seems to go our way, that we tend to run into more negative roadblocks and pitfalls.

In a sense your thoughts are your prayers. When our fears and thoughts consume us about all the negative happening in our life, it is exactly what we manifest and have asked the Universe for. Even though our desire is for positive to happen, it is the negative that we are dwelling on and there for we attract more negative in our life. The key here is to acknowledge that the negative has happened, to let it go and begin focusing on new positives. Understand that the Universe always provides exactly what we need. What you need is already yours, regardless of whether you can see, smell or touch it at this moment, it is on it’s way. Have faith and know it is the truth, the Universe will never deprive you. And so it is!