
Let me introduce myself and give you a synopsis of who I am, my experiences and how I got to where I am today. It should hopefully give a better understanding of my mind site through out the blogs.

My name is Jessica, a metaphysician trying to consistently live by the Laws of Attraction. I am a 39 year old single parent to three amazing children that are 13, 15 & 21 years old. I am divorced, though never legally married (long story, maybe someday i will share with you.) I have my MBA with emphasis in Accounting. I am employed as a Finance Manager and Controller for a large medical corporation and their many entities.

Everyday is filled with challenges, it has not been an easy to get to where I am today and I’m sure it will take sometime to get where I want to be.

Before I arrived at my current destination in life, I had to trudge up many hills and overcome many challenges. I was never one to follow the rules. My choice has always been to choose the path less traveled, and carve out my own path where there was never one before. My spark, zest, loving and adventurous sole has been untamable.

Life sure has thrown some curveballs and some amazing moments. I have two wonderful parents I love dearly, but come from a broken home. I have had the step parents from hell.

There was a time in life when all I wanted was to be excepted, popular and loved. At the time I would have done just about anything to make it happen. I was never the smartest, prettiest, had too many freckles and ugly teeth. I was freak, or so I thought. I was simply average which was never good enough. I was used, walked on and betrayed repeatedly but hey I was “loved”.

I went through serious bouts of depression wanting so desperately to be more than average, to be loved resulting in having my first child at 17. It was a completely selfish act, I couldn’t be the mom she deserved. As a toddler she was severely sexually assaulted. One of the worst things a parent can go through with their child. It took many years to realize it wasn’t my fault and be able to forgive myself. We struggled, but some how miraculously she has blossomed into an amazing adult and one of the very best things in my life.

I’ve been married and divorced that resulted in two more beautiful children. Been cheated on and abused. Had my heart broken more times then I would like to admit and am still missing the one that got away.

I have had a series of medical issues, some still to be determined. I am a cervical cancer survivor and have been cancer free since January 2012.

I’ve lived all over the country. Was a military spouse and briefly served in the US Navy until my cervical cancer diagnosis and past medical issues resurfaced. I’ve had way too many jobs, but i learned a lot. It took me 18 years and numerous colleges and universities to finally get my Bachelors in accounting. Just 18 months later I finished with my Masters.

I’ve struggled with addiction. I’ve been broke, bankrupt, foreclosed on and homeless. I struggled on welfare. I have moved across the country with only what I can fit in my car chasing hope. I gave up temporary custody of my children to their father to prevent my children from being homeless while I got on my feet. Probably one of the hardest decisions one can make. To later find out, they were not safe and were being abused by there very own step monster and would later be detained and placed into foster care. Not to worry after a long battle they are now home safe with me.

I have made a plethora of mistakes. Sure life would have been easier had I of lived life by the book but that’s not who I am, and I doubt I would have liked the person I would have turned out to be if I had.

It has been through these processes that have made me into who I am today. Life isn’t supposed to be easy, it’s supposed to be lived. As painful as life has been, I wouldn’t want to change most of it because it gave me my drive, strength and courage to change and make a difference. It has forced a lot of self discovery to find out who I really am. It made me realize how important our self esteem really is and that is perfectly acceptable to be normal and average.

To be average is extraordinary. Strive to be the best you that you can be and realize that only your opinion of you matters. If people don’t like you, break your give-a-damn. It’s there loss because you as your true self are amazing.

Know that we attract what we most desire. What you truly need and desire is already yours. Even if you can’t see it or touch it just yet, it’s on it’s way. Sometimes we must face obstacles along the way that will open the doors to your hopes and dreams. But when you can finally see these goals and desires come forth it will be like a miracle and make it all worthwhile. Live as if, love life and be thankful for everything in your life. And so it is!

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