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Don’t Limit Your Challenges, Challenge Your Limits!

By definition, a Challenge is a contest with ourself or others that requires special effort, tests our skills, strengths and Character. The only reward, is the ultimate reward of achievement. Challenges help to push us further than we ever thought we we were capable of. It creates excitement, healthy competition, sense of accomplishments and builds self-esteem.


Daily #Challenge – September 4, 2014 – #Dreams into Action

Goals and dreams have many similarities. When we set goals, we make the decision that we want to achieve certain things in life. But when we dream, we visualize these goals. When we visualize our “goals” or “dreams”, they become vivid thoughts in our mind. The universe provides and guides us to our most prevalent thoughts. So when we dream, we think, feel, “see” and act, drawing our dreams into our new reality.

Your challenge today is to begin to really visualize and dream one or more of your goals. See yourself, in that new job, home or family. Then start taking action to make your dream, your new reality.